Thursday, June 9, 2016

2 m o n t h s

Happy TWO months Asher! You are tipping the scale at 12 lbs 11 oz (50-75%), 24.4 in (95%), and 15.7 head circumference (50%). He is wearing 3 month & 3-6 month clothing. Size 1 diapers. Giving mama and daddy 5-6 hour stretches at night. Eating 3-4 oz of breastmilk, but mama pumps around 10 oz from both sides! Ahhhh a lot different than with my first born, Zoey. You would never know but this guy got his two month shots today and was a champ. We are so in love with you Ashbug!

Asher loves:
>sleeping in his crib
>binky (yay!)
>when mama & daddy talk
>looking around
>being held
>sleeping with mama
>baby wearing
>eating his hands
>fuzzy blankets

Asher hates:
>having gas
>diaper changes (its getting better)
>sitting in one spot
>waiting for milky
>when i have dairy

>meeting auntie kk
>finding his hands
>going downtown seattle

These past 8 weeks have been wonderful! I am so blessed to have two beautiful, healthy children. Asher is seriously the BEST baby ever! I am lucky to be his mama. Please slow down time it is going by sooooo fast...

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